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Wondering what a health coach actually does??


Good questions! A health coach works with clients to help them accomplish their own personal health goals.  In addition to motivating you, I will also hold you accountable to make sure you achieve your goals!


 During our sessions we may touch upon: 

- Big Ideas in Nutrition

- Fitness and Exercise 

- The Importance of Sleep

- Breaking Bad Habits and Forming New Healthy Habits

- Meal Planning, Food Shopping and Organization

- Healthy Food Swaps

- Mindfulness Techniques

- Reducing Stress

- Self Love and Self Care


Interested in getting the kids involved? My family wellness program will get kids as young as 3 working on their health! Kid's sessions include the following topics:  

- Trying New Foods

- Mindfulness for Kids 

- Sleep tips for parents

- Easy kid friendly recipes 

- Allergy friendly supplement

- Health Kid's Snack lists and more! 


Looking to add some wellness to your organization? I am always working alongside various organizations working on the wellness of their clients and congregants. I am also very active in my local community as a volunteer, bringing wellness to schools, community organizations, senior centers and more. I am especially active in schools, where I can reach out and teach teachers, administrators, parents and students alike and get them all working on their health! 


Here is a short list of some of the organizations who have teamed up with me for wellness workshops:  


Temple Sholom 

Congregation Beth Shalom

Sephardic Community Center 

Yeshivah of Flatbush Elementary School 

Yeshivah of Flatbush High School 

Guy M. Stewart Cancer Society

Sephardic Bikur Holim Senior Program

SBH Cooking for a Cause

Ilan High School 


Is your organization interested in putting together a wellness workshop? Reach out via the contact page for more info! 



If you are interested in my private coaching program, feel free to reach out through the contact page here! 





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